
  1. Psoriasis - signs
  2. What are the drugs
  3. Rating of the best ointments for psoriasis for 2020

Rating of the best non-hormonal psoriasis remedies for 2020

Rating of the best non-hormonal psoriasis remedies for 2020

Psoriasis is a rather unpleasant and common disease, the exact causes of which are still unknown. There are a lot of hypotheses on this score, but none of them has been proven.

Probable causes include heredity, endocrine disruption, stress and bad habits. According to the research results, people suffering from psoriasis show signs of lipid and nitrogen metabolism disorders and an excess of toxins in the body. An unfavorable environment also contributes to the development of pathology.

Psoriasis - signs

The main problem is that the disease cannot be completely cured, but the use of complex therapy and drugs can alleviate the patient's condition.

The main signs are a rash in the form of pale pink scaly plaques. This is due to the rapid division of skin cells (10 times faster than in a healthy person). The disease can be accompanied by itching and a feeling of tightening of the skin in the lesions.

The disease can affect the scalp, the skin under the knees and at the elbows. The primary signs are rough, protruding pink spots of small diameter. It is at this stage that you should consult a doctor and undergo a course of treatment, otherwise the disease will begin to progress, capturing large areas of the skin. Spots begin to peel off, the skin is constantly traumatized by friction (for example, seams on clothes).

What are the drugs

The most effective remedy for psoriasis is ointment. The drugs are prescribed by a dermatologist after studying the medical history, the presence or absence of allergic reactions to the components.

Ointments, depending on the composition, are divided into 2 main groups:

  1. Hormonal.
  2. Non-hormonal.

The former act almost instantly and quickly eliminate symptoms, but have many contraindications, since they negatively affect the functioning of the heart, liver and thyroid gland.

Non-hormonal drugs are safer, therefore they are more often prescribed for the treatment of psoriasis. Main advantages:

  • efficiency;
  • not addictive;
  • there are side effects, but they are few;
  • availability;
  • safety (even with prolonged use).

Of the disadvantages - to achieve a stable effect and eliminate the symptoms of psoriasis, constant use is necessary, therefore non-hormonal agents are prescribed only at the first stage of the disease. Preparations usually consist of 1 (less often 2) active ingredients. They are responsible for the effectiveness and range of applications.

In addition to drugs in the treatment of psoriasis, reflexology, physiotherapy, and herbal infusions (for external use) are used. Ultraviolet light has a beneficial effect on the skin condition, therefore, tanning in moderate doses in this case will only benefit.

Diet is recommended to eliminate symptoms. The main condition is the exclusion of smoked meats, spicy and salty foods, as well as foods containing preservatives and dyes from the diet.

In the period of relapse of the disease, non-hormonal drugs are prescribed, since they are safer (compared to hormonal drugs) and have a minimum number of contraindications.

Rating of the best ointments for psoriasis for 2020

The selection contains drugs that have passed clinical trials, certification and approved by dermato-venereologists. When compiling, the opinion of real buyers was also taken into account.

Ointments with grease

Indicated for psoriasis, accompanied by itching, weeping papules and pain. Grease-based ointments relieve discomfort, have antipruritic and antiseptic properties.

Solidol promotes skin softening and healing, activates metabolic processes and prevents the development of inflammation.

Kartalin ointment (Kartalin)

It is indicated for chronic psoriasis. With regular use, it prevents the exacerbation of the disease. The composition of the product contains components of natural origin: extracts of string and chamomile soften, eucalyptus oil has bactericidal properties, and salicylic acid dries out inflammation.

The drug is not addictive, skin atrophy and does not contain synthetic components. The ointment is applied in a thin layer (no need to rub) on problem areas of the skin 1 or 2 times a day. For best results, the ointment should not be rinsed off within 12 hours. The effect is observed after 1-1.5 weeks of use.

ointment Kartalinovaya ointment (Kartalin)
  • efficiency;
  • convenient application;
  • a wide range of actions;
  • one package is enough for the course of use;
  • natural composition;
  • not addictive, skin atrophy;
  • there are no contraindications (the exception is an allergy to the constituent components).
  • high price;
  • long-term use is required to achieve a visible effect.


It is used to eliminate psoriasis symptoms, including on the scalp. Contains grease, herbal oil extracts. Completely safe for the skin.

Possesses bactericidal, healing properties, relieves itching. Before use, it is necessary to conduct an allergic test (apply a little product on the skin of the elbow). In the absence of allergic reactions, the drug is applied directly to the plaques, without rubbing, for a period of at least 6 hours. Do not use protective dressings on treated skin areas - it is better to use old clothing.

The effect is noticeable after 1 week of use. The full course of treatment can take up to 3 months. To eliminate hyperpigmentation in the affected areas, it is recommended to use the ointment once a week for prevention purposes.

Price in pharmacies - from 500 rubles per 60 ml package.

Acrustal ointment
  • no contraindications;
  • lasting effect;
  • elimination of hyperpigmentation;
  • complete removal of psoriatic plaques;
  • acceptable price.
  • specific smell;
  • small volume - with severe lesions, several packages will be needed to complete the full course of treatment.


This is one of the most prescribed drugs, the effectiveness of which is comparable to hormonal analogues. In addition to the pronounced antipruritic effect, the ointment has the following properties:

  • reduction of rashes;
  • elimination of inflammation;
  • restoration of the skin regeneration function;
  • provides a stable remission.

The drug can be used at any stage of the disease, including exacerbation of the disease. The course of treatment is on average 10 weeks (terms may vary). Magispor is contraindicated during pregnancy, lactation, and children under 7 years of age.

Magnispor ointment
  • efficiency;
  • can be applied up to 2 times a day;
  • safe composition.
  • high price;
  • incompatible with other therapeutic methods;
  • side effects.


The active ingredients in the composition are zinc ointment, solidol, trinitrotoluene. Has a bactericidal effect, slows down cell division, thereby reducing peeling.

It is recommended to test the product on a small area of ​​the skin before use. If in a day there are no side effects (irritation and increase in the area of ​​the lesion), then the drug can be used for treatment.

The ointment is applied in a thin layer to the affected areas of the skin (remove the stratum corneum from the papules). If possible, do not cover the treated skin with a protective bandage.

The drug has no contraindications, with the exception of individual intolerance to the components.

ointment Ungvetol
  • high efficiency;
  • low consumption;
  • minimum of contraindications.
  • possible side effects (manifested when applied to large areas of the skin).


An effective and affordable drug worth 200 rubles per pack has keratolytic (eliminates the excess of the stratum corneum) and antiseptic properties.

Method of application: apply with light, rubbing movements 1-2 times a day. To achieve a stable remission, it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment for 2 months (the terms depend on the condition of the skin and the stage of the disease).

The maximum effect is achieved under the condition of prolonged exposure to the drug on the affected skin, therefore it is recommended to take a shower no more than 1 time in 3 days.

Contraindications: allergy to the components of the drug.

Rybakov's ointment
  • can be used to treat scalp;
  • has an antiseptic effect;
  • affordable price;
  • eliminates flaking.
  • long course of treatment;
  • allergic reactions are possible.


Author's recipe from the Markins family. The drug is produced in Voronezh using a special technology. The active substance is solidol, supplemented with natural celandine oil (since ancient times it has been used to remove thorns and small papillomas).

The ointment effectively fights psoriatic plaques, relieves itching and pain. Since the composition contains only natural ingredients, the effect is achieved after a month of use. The general course of treatment is 3 months.

Method of application: apply with rubbing movements into the affected skin, allow to be absorbed. The drug has passed clinical trials, does not contain hazardous components.

Markin's ointment
  • fights against the causes of the disease;
  • suitable for the treatment of resistant forms of the disease;
  • safe;
  • minimum of contraindications.
  • contraindicated in high blood pressure;
  • long-term use can affect kidney function;
  • addictive.


In the composition, in addition to solidol, there is honey and celandine, which provides the medicinal, bactericidal and soothing properties of the drug.

The ointment is rubbed into the affected skin until completely absorbed. The course of treatment is long, but effective. After applying the ointment, a stable remission is achieved. Before use, you need to conduct a test test for allergies to the components of the ointment. It is not recommended to start treatment during an exacerbation of psoriasis.

Golyuk ointment
  • affordable price;
  • efficiency.
  • is addictive, with subsequent relapses, the effect of the application is noticeably reduced.

With oil

Preparations containing naphthalan have analgesic, disinfecting and exfoliating properties. These funds also dissolve papules well. However, it is not recommended to use them during an exacerbation of the disease. The main means of this group of medicines are the following drugs.


The ointment belongs to non-hormonal drugs and has a powerful analgesic and antiseptic effect. The drug has been identified with many functions, so it can be used to treat pathologies of various origins and severity. The ointment has practically no drawbacks, and its use has a beneficial effect on the entire body.

The active ingredient of the drug is naphthalan oil. It is obtained from naphthenic hydrocarbons by complex purification.

Naftalan ointment
  • promotes vasoconstriction;
  • activates metabolic processes and blood microcirculation;
  • has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects;
  • resolves papules.
  • not detected.


The drug that eliminates the signs of psoriasis is intended for external use. The combined ointment has a pronounced antimicrobial effect. The product is a soft yellowish mass with a slight lavender scent.

Experts recommend using the ointment in combination with ultrasound, due to which the active components of the drug penetrate deeper into the layers of the skin, as a result of which wound healing occurs faster.

The drug can not only be applied to the skin by rubbing in, but also make baths. You can also treat psoriasis with lotions, but to get the desired effect, you must combine them with ultrasound, UV light or electromagnetic waves. Avoid getting the drug in the eyes.

Psori-naft ointment
  • normalizes immune responses;
  • relieves inflammation on the skin;
  • minimizes pain;
  • has a stimulating effect.
  • not detected.

With vitamins

Psoriasis gels and creams can be hormonal or non-hormonal. Their action is significantly different. Products with vitamins belong to the non-hormonal group. Most often, vitamin D acts as a medical supplement. These drugs do not have an immediate effect, however, side effects are minimized here. The cream is well absorbed, penetrating deep into the epidermis, thereby effectively combating shingles.

In addition to vitamin D, manufacturers include other vitamins in the composition that are necessary for the skin affected by psoriasis. Psoriasis remedies with vitamins include the following drugs.


The product perfectly stimulates calcium metabolism, exfoliates the skin, and reduces the activity of T cells. The ointment is considered an analogue of vitamin D3. It should not be used in conjunction with medicinal products containing salicylic acid. The ointment has a rather aggressive effect, therefore it is recommended for the treatment of psoriasis in adults over 18 years of age. The ointment requires adherence to the dosage - no more than 15 grams of the product should get on the skin per day. It is not recommended to use ointment on the face and other sensitive areas, as it dries the skin very much.

The tool inhibits the division of cells in the epidermis, due to which the layer of skin infected with psoriasis quickly exfoliates and the wound heals. The medicine is applied to the skin 2 times a day.

When using this medication, prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays of any origin should be avoided.

Studies have shown that the drug is not mutagenic and does not affect fertility in any way. The absorption of the active medicinal component depends on the form of release of the drug: about 6% from the ointment enters the bloodstream, and from the solution - 1%.

ointment Daivonex (Daivonex)
  • not mutagenic;
  • stimulates calcium metabolism;
  • exfoliates the skin;
  • reduces the activity of T cells;
  • efficiently.
  • allergic rash, antioneurotic edema;
  • immune complications - allergic reaction, urticaria, Quincke's edema;
  • reactions from the epidermis are most common;
  • the level of calcium content rises;
  • swelling of the face from the solution (rare);
  • hypersensitivity to ultraviolet light.

Even the best psoriasis ointment can only have a temporary effect. To completely get rid of this disease, it is necessary to resort to other methods of treatment that modern medicine offers. It is equally important in psoriasis to lead a healthy lifestyle, eating only healthy food and clean water, to avoid stress and sleep disturbances, and also not to forget about physical activity.


