
  1. Beneficial effect on the digestive system
  2. Product preparation
  3. Properties of chicory drink
  4. Benefits during pregnancy
  5. Diabetes and obesity treatment
  6. Beauty and weight loss
  7. Contraindications
  8. Best instant chicory for 2020
  9. Summing up

Rating of the best brands of instant chicory for 2020

Rating of the best brands of instant chicory for 2020

One of the most popular drinks - chicory is called by many a healthy analogue of coffee. You can buy it in a jar, in the form of a soluble powder or paste. It has long been proven to have a positive effect on the central nervous system, reduce blood sugar levels, normalize metabolic processes in the body and, accordingly, reduce body weight. Many companies are engaged in the production of chicory. To date, there has even been a certain rating of the best brands of instant chicory for 2020. So what is this plant, and what is its huge benefit to the body?

Beneficial effect on the digestive system

As in any other case, all the healing properties of a particular plant directly depend on the substances, vitamins, minerals and trace elements in its composition that have a beneficial effect on the body. The plant can be seen in two varieties:

  • Root;
  • Salad (deciduous).

The root part contains the bulk of vitamins, tannins and fiber. As for the salad version, it differs in more fleshy roots and stems.

The main active ingredient of chicory is inulin - fiber, the use of which has a positive effect on the intestinal microflora. The so-called intestinal bifidobacteria have not heard unless the lazy one. But not everyone knows that it is these microorganisms that feed inulin.

Product preparation

For the preparation of a soluble concentrate, chicory extraction is used. It is prepared in three stages:

  1. The dry root is fried;
  2. A strong "tincture" is brewed from the root;
  3. "Tincture" is dried in a sublimator oven.

This sequence of processes results in a powder that is offered to consumers in pharmacies and grocery stores.

Properties of chicory drink

With the help of scientific research, it has long been proven that chicory is especially useful for those who, at the basis of their diet, have semi-finished products, concentrates and semi-finished flour products (this especially applies to products made from white flour). It is in such cases that a cup - the second chicory drink - will be especially useful. According to the world's leading nutritionists, it is with its help that you can successfully combat dysbiosis and constipation.

It will be useful to include chicory in the diet, and if a vegetable or fruit diet is planned. This will provide the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract with additional nutrition and ensure its full functioning.That is, an "emergency weight loss" session will not cause any bloating or diarrhea.

Also, do not forget about one interesting feature of the root. It tastes quite similar to coffee. That is why this somewhat tart drink is enjoyed by all connoisseurs of natural coffee with pleasure.

Benefits during pregnancy

All women who are in an "interesting" position, doctors recommend changing the usual coffee for a chicory drink. Such castling will help get rid of:

  • Gestosis;
  • Heartburn;
  • Constipation;
  • Feeling of heaviness in the stomach.

Also, doctors recommend including it in the diet of people suffering from essential hypertension.

Diabetes and obesity treatment

Drinking a drink made from chicory is useful for diabetes and the second type of obesity. It is inulin that has the ability to lower the glycemic index of many foods. This, accordingly, greatly facilitates the well-being of patients and reduces their almost irresistible desire to eat something sweet. To achieve maximum effect twenty minutes before meals, you need to drink 150 ml of broth.

However, like all other medicinal plants, chicory should be used with caution. As they say, everything is good in moderation. For example, too frequent consumption of the product can lead to worsening of venous disease.

Beauty and weight loss

A huge amount of vitamins and nutrients included in the vitamin-mineral complex contained in chicory (A, E, B 1, B2, B3, C, PP) in combination with the calcium, potassium and magnesium contained in it help to maintain not only your health but also beauty.

The purpose of most of the above substances is to support excellent skin tone and speedy recovery of the body's collagen cells. For the same reason, the product is successfully used for weight loss.


Despite the presence of numerous useful substances in the substance and its obvious benefits, there is also a list of contraindications indicating that not everyone can use the soluble product. The thing is that in some cases, instead of being useful, it can harm quite significantly.

True, it should be noted that there are few contraindications to the use of chicory and its beneficial properties significantly prevail. So, for example, you should not combine it with antibiotics. This combination can disrupt the absorption of medications.

It is also undesirable to use it for those who suffer from varicose veins or hemorrhoids. When used regularly, chicory promotes vasodilation and, accordingly, aggravates health problems.

Another category of people who are not recommended for drinks based on chicory are people with various types of allergies to ascorbic acid. That is, if a person cannot eat citrus fruits without negative consequences for the body, when eating currants, a rash begins to appear, then chicory broth is also not worth using. Exceptions, of course, are possible, but it is recommended to visit an allergist and go through the appropriate tests.

Medical studies have confirmed the fact that this wild plant is not useful in bronchial asthma. But, in any case, when buying chicory-based drinks for the table, you need to carefully study their composition. The main secret here is that many varieties of this plant, which are artificially cultivated by humans, are enriched with additional substances in a piece order. That is why, the exact composition of this or that powder can be found out only by carefully reading the product label.

Here we are talking, first of all, about the quantity and quality of inulin contained in it. So, 75% of this beneficial substance is found exclusively in the fully matured roots of the plant. If the manufacturer does not differ in responsibility and scrupulousness, it is possible to add block pectin instead of inulin.This makes production cheaper and therefore provides additional benefits to dishonest producers.

So, in order for the broth to be not only tasty, but also useful, it is necessary to purchase soluble chicory powder, the label of which indicates - a natural extract. In this case, you should avoid products on the labels which indicate:

  • Artificially enriched;
  • Tinted;
  • Sweetened.

These versions of the product are capable of doing much more harm than good.

Best instant chicory for 2020

So, here are the best brands of instant chicory for 2020.

Chicory drink "Health"

The indicators of this zirconium powder and the already prepared drink fully comply with all regulatory requirements .. It has a distinct aroma and taste inherent in chicory. Also, "Health" is fully consistent:

  • Moisture content;
  • PH;
  • Complete solubility in both cold and hot water.

At the same time, there are no third-party additives in it, including metal-magnetic particles. Not found in "Health" and caffeine, which, by the way, should not be contained in a powder made from a natural root.

According to the results of the examination, the percentage of polysaccharide useful for the human body - inulin, fully corresponds to the declared indicators (over 30%). This drink contains 54.5%. The combination of the results of all the above tests and examinations suggests that the Health drink is indeed a natural extract of chicory.

Chicory drink "Health
  • The obvious benefit of the product due to its high inulin content;
  • Sealed packaging and zip closure.
  • Not seen.

"Russian chicory"

Produced in the city of Yaroslavl, "Russian chicory" is a natural instant drink produced in full compliance with all the requirements of GOST.

According to the results of a series of laboratory studies, no violations in the production of the drink were found. It does not contain pathogenic microorganisms, E. coli bacteria, yeast and mold.

The content of heavy metals is also within the normal range. We are talking about such metals as lead, arsenic, cadmium and mercury, and aflatoxin was not detected.

Not noted in the drink and caffeine. Its main indicators - appearance, color, taste and aroma properties - also fully meet the standards of GOST.

The drink contains 30.1% inulin (at a rate of 30%).

Russian chicory
  • Optimal inulin content;
  • Sealed packaging with ZIP fastener.
  • Not marked

Soluble Classic GreatLife

The classic instant drink GreatLife, which is produced in the Leningrad Region (Novy Svet village), is no longer as ideal as compared to its predecessors. First of all, he received such reviews from experts and buyers due to the low content of inulin (its percentage is lower than the norms established for the optimal content of this substance). Also, organoleptic characteristics and solubility are not characteristic of a drink from chicory.

At the same time, aflatoxin was not found in the drink, and the indicators of toxic elements are within normal limits. But, unfortunately, the same cannot be said about the mold content in the drink. True, it does not exceed the permissible values, but the indicator is close to the upper limit of the norm. No genetically modified elements were found by examination. Not found in GreatLife and traces of metal magnetic impurities and caffeine.

All physical and chemical indicators of the drink are within the permissible norm:

  • Mass fraction of moisture;
  • pH;
  • absolute solubility in both hot and cold water.

At the same time, the organoleptic characteristics of the drink leave much to be desired:

  • Watery slightly sweetish taste;
  • Aroma with notes of caramel;
  • Impurities of light colors are noticeable in the powder.

The last remark definitely indicates the presence of impurities in the drink. It is believed that all violations in the quality of the finished product are due to violations:

  • In heat treatment modes;
  • Selection of low quality raw materials.

The point here is that if the temperature during processing of raw materials (extraction and drying) is too high, the process of inulin destruction will inevitably begin. This leads to its low content in the drink.

This is facilitated by raw materials of low quality, and even high quality, which were stored incorrectly. And, finally, one cannot but mention the possible falsification of products, when chicory, which is more expensive in terms of cost, is replaced by cheaper grain analogues, which, accordingly, do not contain the required amount of inulin.

Soluble Classic GreatLife
  • Low cost of the product.
  • The actual content of inulin is 3 times less than the norm - only 9.6%;
  • Inconsistency in organoleptic characteristics.

Chicory Dr. Dias

Classic instant drink made from chicory Dr. Dias is produced in Yaroslavl. The content of inulin in it is much less than the expected norm. In addition, many note the slightly sour taste of the drink.

It contains absolutely no genetically modified organisms, caffeine and metal-magnetic impurities. The organoleptic characteristics of the drink, with the exception of a slightly sour taste, correspond to the norm.

As for the inulin content, it is almost 2.5 times lower than the minimum indicators. This in itself testifies to the quality of the chicory used in the production, and to violations in the process of thermal processing of the product. A possible reason for the rather low quality of the drink is considered by many to be falsification - the replacement of an expensive product with cheaper, but lower quality cereals.

Chicory Dr. Dias
  • Low cost;
  • Insufficient inulin content;
  • Sour taste of the product.

Chicory "Healer" natural instant

Chicory "Tselebnik" is produced in one of the Moscow city districts. No toxic elements were found in it, but, unfortunately, the direct content of inulin leaves much to be desired.

At the same time, laboratory studies did not find traces of genetically modified organisms. Not found in the product and caffeine. Experts have no particular comments on the indicators of color, appearance and aroma. The only thing they pay attention to is the low content of the main active ingredient in the drink - inulin (this indicator is almost 3.5 times less than the norm). Moreover, it is even less than the numbers indicated on the packaging by the manufacturer. As in other cases, low inulin content can be due to:

  • Counterfeiting - replacing chicory with cheaper grain analogues;
  • Violations in the heat treatment of the product - too high a temperature;
  • Low quality raw materials;
  • Improper storage.

Accordingly, at the moment, there are comments on the product that do not allow experts to put it in the top three drinks with chicory.

Chicory "Healer" natural instant
  • Low cost.
  • Low inulin content.

Summing up

Considering that a high-quality chicory drink is made exclusively from natural products and does not contain caffeine at all, its benefits for the human body are obvious.

In addition, chicory has the ability to remove toxins from the body (we are talking about the liver, kidneys, gallbladder). Unfortunately, almost 80% of the chicory on the shelves of our stores is counterfeit. What should you pay attention to when buying a powder so that it really benefits the body and does not harm in any way? First of all, these are:

  • Homogeneous structure and color of the soluble powder;
  • Chicory dissolves in water completely without residue (for testing, you can filter the drink with ordinary gauze).

If violations are noticed on one of the points, this indicates the addition of maltadextrin (corn flour, molasses, and in fact sugar) to the drink. It is especially dangerous to purchase such a drink for people with diabetes.


