
  1. Causes of the common cold
  2. Drops with vasoconstrictor action
  3. Antibacterial agents
  4. Antihistamines
  5. Drugs to fight viral infections

Review of the best cold remedies in 2020

Review of the best cold remedies in 2020

On the Internet, you can now easily find a rating of the best remedies for the common cold, which is considered a fairly harmless disease. However, an unhealthy person in such a situation experiences significant discomfort in the form of nasal congestion, which interferes with the normal course of the respiratory process, the performance of household and work chores, and does not allow adequate sleep. With chronic nasal congestion, oxygen starvation develops, the voice is deformed, and bacterial infections join.

Causes of the common cold

Today, in numerous pharmacies, a huge range of products are presented to eliminate nasal congestion. However, you need to know which medicine to choose and how to do it. The nose begins to react with the release of mucous secretions to the appearance of a viral, bacterial or fungal infection or an allergen. In addition, the cause of the development of rhinitis can be a failure of the hormonal system and the malfunctioning of the autonomic system - these factors are attributed to the vasomotor group.

There is also such a phenomenon as the drug-induced nature of the disease, which is due to the excessive use of vasoconstrictor drops.

Despite the fact that you can use folk remedies, it is better to choose a drug by consulting a doctor, who, after a thorough examination, will make an accurate diagnosis. All medicines for the common cold can be divided into several groups, which are both cheap and expensive, or, for example, salt, antiseptic or plant-based. The most popular will be discussed in this article.

Drops with vasoconstrictor action

This type of nasal drops is prescribed for excessive expansion of the vessels of the nasal passages, accompanied by tissue edema. With a runny nose lasting less than a week, as well as in the absence of manifestations of a bacterial or allergic form, adults can independently purchase any drug from this group.

Such a classification of medicines as vasoconstrictor drops, have in their composition a list of components that affect adrenaline recipes, which contain peripheral capillaries and contribute to their narrowing:

  1. Naphazoline;
  2. Oxymetazoline;
  3. Xylometazoline;
  4. Phenylephrine.

The impact of the above components reduces the degree of swelling of the nasal passages, from which mucous secretions come out, which helps to restore breathing.


The main therapeutic effect from the use of this drug is due to naphazoline, which constricts the vessels of the nose, due to which the swelling subsides and the number of mucous formations decreases.In addition to the fact that naphazoline has a local effect, some of it enters the bloodstream.

With frequent use, the drug negatively affects the cardiovascular system and kidneys. When exposed to the heart, the frequency of its contractions increases, as does the blood pressure indicator.

Sanorin is available in three varieties, the indication for which depends on the cause of rhinitis. The drug should not be used in the presence of individual intolerance to the components of the drug, as well as in a number of diseases. Side effects include insomnia and dizziness. Sanorin is on sale in the form of a spray and drops.

  • reduction of mucosal edema;
  • the number of mucous formations decreases;
  • drip at night;
  • four names of the drug;
  • the ability to use in the form of drops or spray;
  • low cost.
  • the entry of components into the blood;
  • negative effects on the heart and kidneys with excessive use;
  • the possibility of increasing pressure and exacerbating tachycardia;
  • the presence of side effects such as insomnia and dizziness.


Otrivin is a Swiss drug that is highly effective due to its vasoconstrictor action. The use of this medication helps to completely relieve the swelling of the mucous membranes, but does not help the treatment of rhinitis - it should be used to relieve nasal breathing. While it is fairly safe, Otrivin rarely causes side effects. There are three forms on the pharmaceutical market in which this drug is sold: spray, drops and liquid to rinse the nose. The advantage of the spray is the ease of use, as well as the accuracy of the dosage. Drops allow you to reduce the dose of the drug used. The nasal wash helps to flush out mucous secretions along with viruses and bacteria.

Otrivin can be used for any type of rhinitis, including allergic, except for chronic. The enclosed instructions can be used by people of any age category. The use of Otrivin for longer than a 10-day course is unacceptable - this will lead to a decrease in the effectiveness of the drug, as well as the rapid development of tachyphylaxis. Nasal wash is not addictive. With prolonged use of the spray and drops, addiction appears. Side effects include symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, arrhythmias, and high blood pressure. Also, it is not recommended to use Otrivin for a number of chronic diseases. The drug is sold at a slightly cheaper price of 220 rubles.

  • high efficiency of action;
  • complete removal of mucosal edema during the first applications;
  • the ability to completely normalize the respiratory process;
  • the rarity of side effects from use;
  • sale in pharmacies in three forms;
  • the possibility of using any type of rhinitis;
  • washing out viruses and bacteria from the nose;
  • suitable for children from birth and adults;
  • the spray allows you to accurately dose the medicine used;
  • the possibility of introducing a small dose in a drop form.
  • effective only for short-term use;
  • development of tachyphylaxis from prolonged use;
  • drops and spray are addictive;
  • there are a number of side effects;
  • can not be used for some diseases of a chronic nature.

Antibacterial agents

The action of any antibacterial agent is aimed at destroying microbial infections that cause the common cold.


Isofra is a French antibiotic moisturizing drop that is sold commercially as a spray and in a bottle. Isofra can be successfully used for sinusitis. Contraindicated for use up to one year, as well as in the presence of individual intolerance to the components. Despite the fact that this drug is suitable for most patients, in some cases it can cause allergic reactions.It is not recommended to extend the course of treatment for more than a week. It is dispensed by prescription from a doctor who prescribes how to take the medication. The cost of the drug is about 200 rubles.


  • antibacterial principle of action;
  • the ability to buy a spray or bottle;
  • the presence of special antibiotics in the composition;
  • use for sinusitis is permissible.
  • the minimum age of use is one year;
  • contraindicated for use due to individual intolerance to the components;
  • may cause allergies;
  • the course of treatment cannot exceed one week;
  • sold by prescription.


Polydexa is a French antibiotic cure for rhinitis. In pharmacies, it is sold in the form of colorless drops and spray. It contains a number of potent components, such as universal antibiotics, hormones and vasoconstrictor components. The use of Polydex helps to get rid of congestion in the ears, nasal voice, pain in the nose. The drug costs about 350 rubles.

It is unacceptable for use in case of individual intolerance to the components, as well as allergic reactions to them, as well as at the age of three years, in the presence of a number of chronic diseases. Not used before competition by professional athletes, as it can affect the performance of a doping test. Since the drops are not absorbed into the blood stream, the possibility of an overdose is excluded. An allergic reaction in the form of skin rashes may appear. Drops can be used with other drugs, except for certain antibiotics and Aspirin. Cannot be used during vaccinations.

Polydexa with phenylephrine spray nasal bottle 15 ml
  • antibiotic focus;
  • the possibility of buying in the form of a spray or drops;
  • a combination of potent components in the composition;
  • removal of a number of symptoms of the common cold;
  • drops are not absorbed into the blood;
  • overdose with this drug is excluded.
  • the cost is higher than analog competitors;
  • impossibility of use with individual intolerance;
  • can not be used with a tendency to allergic reactions;
  • the minimum age of use for children is three years;
  • cannot be used before doping tests;
  • possible manifestations of allergies in the form of skin rashes;
  • cannot be used with Aspirin and a number of antibiotics;
  • prohibited for use in combination with live vaccinations.


A phenomenon such as an allergic rhinitis can cause the mucous membranes of the nose to come into contact with allergens, as well as when eating certain foods. The selection of antihistamines is carried out by the attending physician after a detailed examination and identifying the allergen.


Allergodil is an Italian antihistamine for the common cold. For the treatment of the nasal area, it is implemented in the form of a spray. It is used for allergic reactions of seasonal and non-seasonal origin. Used until allergy symptoms are eliminated. The advantage of the drug is the low cost - from 300 rubles. It can be used continuously for six months. It can cause a number of side effects.


Allergodil spray
  • antiallergenic action of the spray;
  • for the treatment of the nose is presented in only one form;
  • can be used for seasonal and non-seasonal allergic reactions;
  • affordable price;
  • possibility of long-term use.
  • the presence of side effects.


Cromohexal is a German antihistamine drug in the form of a spray. The approximate average price of a spray bottle is about 200 rubles. It is allowed to take this drug, which relieves swelling, itching and has an anti-allergenic effect, within a month. Recommended for rhinitis medicamentosa. It is better not to use this drug for people who have an intolerance to any of its components. Contraindicated in women in position. The minimum age for starting use is five years.Cannot be used in case of renal failure. An allergic reaction is possible in the form of irritation of the mucous membranes and a change in taste reactions.


Cromohexal spray
  • antihistamine orientation of the drug;
  • removal of puffiness of the nose;
  • reduction of itching;
  • the possibility of long-term use;
  • it is prescribed for rhinitis medicamentosa.
  • contraindicated in the presence of individual intolerance;
  • prohibited during pregnancy;
  • cannot be used before the age of five;
  • contraindications for renal failure;
  • may irritate the mucous membranes;
  • able to influence taste reactions.

Drugs to fight viral infections

Antiviral types of drugs are used if the patient has a weakened immune system, as well as for the prevention of respiratory diseases. Their action is based on activating immune cells that stop the spread of a viral infection. Also, such compounds contribute to an easier course of the disease.


Interferon is an antiviral drug with a wide spectrum of action, which can be attributed to the group of expensive budget analogs. Since the main focus of the drug is the destruction of bacteria, it is inappropriate to use it for the prevention or at the initial stage of the development of rhinitis. In pharmacies, you can buy it in the form of a spray, powder or drops. Available without a prescription. However, it cannot be used for certain diseases. Also, using Interferon, the patient can feel an increase in body temperature, which is caused by the production of immune cells by the body. In rare cases, side effects are possible. The substance is not among those absorbed into the blood. Another thing to pay attention to - Interferon is not recommended for combination with vasoconstrictor drops, in order to avoid overdrying of the nasal mucosa. The cost of the liquid form is from 125 rubles.

Interferon liquid

Interferon leukocyte
  • antiviral orientation of the drug;
  • has a wide range of actions;
  • sold in three forms;
  • can be bought without a doctor's prescription;
  • not absorbed into the general bloodstream.
  • not suitable for prevention;
  • contraindicated in a number of diseases;
  • not applied at the onset of the disease;
  • possibly an increase in body temperature;
  • side effects may appear;
  • cannot be combined with vasoconstrictor drops.


Ingaron is an antiviral medication belonging to the generic group. It is marketed in the form of drops, which activates the activity of immune cells and kills germs. Suitable for use at the beginning of SARS or influenza. The course of treatment is one week. The disadvantage of the medicinal composition is its high cost - about 1000 rubles per bottle.

  • kills viral bacteria;
  • activates the activity of immune cells;
  • can be used at the initial stage of an infectious disease.
  • the duration of the course is a week;
  • high price.

To date, pharmacy chains provide a huge number of drugs for the common cold of various directions. In this material were presented the best of them, in the opinion of Russian consumers, as well as their advantages and disadvantages, helping to answer the question of which one is better to buy. However, this list is not exhaustive - a separate topic is a number of recommendations on how to choose analogues. However, you should consult your doctor before purchasing any medicine.

What cold remedy is helping you?


