
  1. Types of drugs for joint pain
  2. TOP 4 best vitamin medicines for the treatment of joints
  3. TOP 6 best pills for joint pain
  4. TOP 5 of the best ointments, creams and gels for the treatment and prevention of joint diseases
  5. TOP 3 best injections for the knee joint

Rating of the best remedies for joint pain for 2020

Rating of the best remedies for joint pain for 2020

Joint pains are dangerous, occur suddenly and cause a lot of inconvenience. This is the visible part of the problem. Joint pain indicates progressive changes in their structure, leading to gradual immobilization in the affected area, and require immediate treatment until the changes become irreversible.

The ranking of the best remedies for joint pain was compiled on the basis of clinical trials, patient reviews and opinions of treating physicians. From this article you will find out a list of the most effective medicines used in the treatment of the musculoskeletal system, most often prescribed by specialists and purchased in the pharmacy network. With the same comparative characteristics, preference was given to drugs from the best manufacturers.

Types of drugs for joint pain

Medicines that relieve joint pain, according to the method of application, are divided into:

  • Internal use;
  • External use;
  • Preparations for administration inside the joint capsule.

by the method of exposure:

  • Restorative;
  • Pain relievers;
  • Preventive;
  • Complex.

Before choosing a drug for joint pain, it is necessary to take into account that pain is the end result of changes caused by a sedentary lifestyle, stagnation of inter-articular fluid, impaired intra-articular circulation. Various drugs contribute to the restoration of impaired functions, and the order of their use can only be determined by an experienced therapist or orthopedist - traumatologist.

In complex treatment, when the doctor prescribes several drugs, the price of the drug becomes an important selection criterion, which determines, in aggregate, the cost of treatment. In the above ranking, a list of effective, popular and budgetary models of drugs for joint pain.

Internal products include vitamins and tablets.

TOP 4 best vitamin medicines for the treatment of joints

 This type of drugs, due to the presence of a complex of vitamins and minerals, is very effective at an early stage of the development of joint diseases or as a preventive measure.

The composition of each drug is unique and consists of various combinations of active substances, sharpened for a specific effect, therefore, a specialist consultation when choosing a drug is required.

Drug name Impact result
Calcimin Advance The best vitamin and mineral complex for the restoration of the musculoskeletal system
Doppelherz - active vitamin D The best drug for the prevention of diseases of the joints of the hands and feet
Ortamol vitamin D3 plus The best dietary supplement for the complex normalization of the general condition
21 ST Centuri Health Care calcium magnesium zinc + D3 Replenishment of the vitamin reserve of the body

Calcimin Advance

manufactured by Pharmacap Corporation, USA.

The drug includes a vitamin - mineral complex that strengthens the walls of blood vessels, neuromuscular joints of the bone structure and muscles, improves protein synthesis, regeneration of the cellular system.

Contraindications: allergies, renal failure.

Calcimin Advance
  • Ensures the absorption of calcium regardless of the state of the body;
  • Absorbed in full;
  • Does not depend on the age category of the patient;
  • Lack of addiction.
  • possible individual intolerance to certain ingredients of the drug;
  • contraindications - urolithiasis.

Doppelherz active vitamin D

The complex of minerals and vitamin D strengthens the structure of bone tissue, prevents the development of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, contributes to the formation of the skeletal system of a growing organism.

Contraindications: not found, the vitamin complex is recommended for use as a food supplement.

] Doppelherz active vitamin D
  • Cost;
  • Complex positive effect: joints, bones, skin.
  • Not recommended for children;
  • Long course of treatment;
  • Not compatible with alcohol intake.

Orthomol vitamin D3 plus

Production: Orthomol comp. Germany

 A drug that includes a complex of minerals and biologically active substances. Regulates physiological processes, strengthens bone structure, optimizes overall health, it contains antioxidants that prevent the formation of free radicals.

Contraindications: not found, the drug is recommended for use in pregnant women.

Orthomol vitamin D3 plus
  • Active substances are made from natural raw materials;
  • Raises the level of immunity;
  • Improves the regulation of metabolism and hormones;
  • High price.
  • Not found.

21 ST Centuri Health Care calcium magnesium zinc + D3

Vitamin complex consisting of natural ingredients. Strengthens the musculoskeletal system, normalizes cardiovascular activity, relieves chronic fatigue, convulsions.

Contraindications: excess dosage.

21 ST Centuri Health Care calcium magnesium zinc + D3
  • Complex, beneficial effect on the body systems;
  • Prevention of joint diseases, strengthening the skeletal system, improving the structure of the skin, accelerating the growth of nails and hair.
  • Unpleasant consequences of an overdose: morning swelling, frequent urination.

TOP 6 best pills for joint pain

The mechanism of action of this type of drugs is similar to antirheumatoid drugs, with the difference that, in addition to anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs, they have an antihistamine effect, relieving swelling of the affected joints and promoting the elimination of salts.

The effect of these drugs is temporary, however, they are able to relieve serious problems: pain when walking, flexion of the elbow and knee joints.

Taking medications is typical for periods of exacerbation, since this type of medication has a symptomatic effect: it relieves pain, relieves swelling, but does not eliminate the cause of the disease.

The tablets selected for the rating are included in the group of NSAIDs - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Their specificity is symptomatic treatment for acute and chronic diseases. Medicines of this group are popular in world medicine due to their effectiveness, safety, very low toxicity and a minimum of contraindications.


Drug name Therapeutic effect
Ortofen Active ingredient diclofenac sodium
Efferalgan The active substance is paracetamol
Metindol retard Active ingredient indomethacin
Nurofen Ibuprofen-based active ingredient
Nimesil Active ingredient nimesulide
Movalis Active substance meloxicam


A fast-acting, pain relieving drug. In case of sudden pain syndrome characteristic of the knee and elbow joints, it effectively and promptly relieves pain and swelling. Recommended for use in rheumatoid arthritis of the joints, radiculitis, osteoarthritis.

Contraindications: ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiac, renal and hepatic failure. With prolonged use, side reactions can occur: dry mucous membranes, nausea, vomiting, flatulence.

  • Effectiveness for any joint diseases;
  • Low cost;
  • High-speed performance.
  • Restrictions on age and condition of the body;
  • Complex calculation of the daily dose.


Anesthetic drug with a mild anti-inflammatory effect. The active substance, paracetamol, has the ability to penetrate the blood-brain barrier, which gives the drug speed.

Contraindications: not found, but side effects are possible in the form of allergic reactions on the skin and mucous membranes, bronchospasm of the respiratory system.

  • Fast absorption and long lasting effect.
  • Individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Metindol retard

Non-steroidal pain reliever, anti-inflammatory agent. The active substance is indomethacin. With limited joint mobility, it significantly increases the range of motion. The drug is effective for inflammation of the bursa, rheumatism, gout.

Contraindications: hypertension, asthma, hepatic and renal failure.

Metindol retard
  • Complete pain relief, excellent antipyretic effect. 
  • After taking the drug, care must be taken when driving a car and performing other operations that require increased concentration of attention.


The active substance of the drug ibuprofen inhibits the synthesis of prostaglandins, mediators of pain and inflammation. As a result, rapid pain relief and a decline in the dynamics of the tumor process. The drug has a long duration of exposure: at least 8 hours. Additional property: stimulation of the production of interferon, one of the main elements of the immune system.

Contraindications: hemophilia, postoperative period.

  • Long-term preservation of the analgesic effect;
  • Effective for any kind of pain.
  • The short duration of the course of treatment.


The active substance is nimesulide. The principle of operation is similar to Metindol.

Contraindications: allergic reaction to acetylsalicylic acid.

  • Complete anesthesia during the period of drug action and a decrease in its intensity after the end of the action;
  • Low cost;
  • Long shelf life. 
  • Age restrictions.


Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug with the active substance meloxicam. Recommended for use in osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and other diseases of the joints of the hands and feet, accompanied by acute pain.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity to the main components of the drug, peptic ulcer disease, diabetes mellitus.

  • The safest, among analogs it has the least number of contraindications;
  • Differs in the highest concentration of active substance in the locations of the lesions;
  • Slows down the processes causing pain.
  • Admission restrictions during pregnancy and lactation.

With a weak susceptibility to NSAIDs, the glucocorticosteroid group is recommended for use, which have significant advantages in terms of effectiveness, but also a greater number of contraindications and side effects. These drugs are not used to treat mild to moderate disease.

Corticosteroids are active substances from the subclass of steroid hormones, synthetic analogues produced by the adrenal cortex. Therefore, they do not show androgenic, estrogenic or gestagenic effects on the body. But the duration of the course of treatment and the dosage of the drug are of exceptional importance; non-compliance with them can lead to serious consequences. Treatment with steroid hormones is performed only under the supervision of a specialist.

TOP 5 of the best ointments, creams and gels for the treatment and prevention of joint diseases

Sudden and unreasonable pain in the joints of the arms or legs can greatly upset plans and spoil the mood. Proven remedies that allow you to remove unpleasant symptoms before a visit to the doctor - ointments, gels and creams.

Drug name Therapeutic effect
Fastum gel Pain relieves, relieves puffiness, improves blood circulation
Capsicam Pain reliever
Dolgit Anti-inflammatory
Voltaren emulgel Anti-inflammatory
Viprosal The best pain reliever

Fastum gel

The active substance is the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory ketoprofen, which slows down the synthesis of prostaglandins involved in the inflammatory process. It has a complex effect on joints, muscles, tendons. It is used as the main or additional agent in the treatment of almost all diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The gel is easily absorbed and acts immediately, maintaining the effect for 4 hours.

Contraindications: not recommended in the presence of damage to the skin surface.

Fastum gel
  • Effectively relieves pain, quickly restores physical activity.
  • Possibility of an allergic reaction to the composition of the drug.


Medicinal ointment of combined action with irritating, vasodilating and analgesic effects. The drug consists of natural ingredients. The main active ingredient is hot pepper extract. Indications for use: joint pain, trauma and bruises. The results of the impact appear within a few minutes and persist for 6 hours.

Contraindications: individual intolerance. For those with sensitive skin, instead of a heating effect, there may be a strong burning sensation and irritation of the surface of the skin.

  • Increasing the duration of drug exposure with prolonged use;
  • Active and auxiliary substances are made from natural ingredients.
  • Limited duration of treatment.


Strong anti-inflammatory agent with analgesic effect. After the very first applications, it restores joint mobility and relieves muscle spasm caused by painful shock. The active ingredient is the analgesic ibuprofen. Indications for use: for arthritis, radiculitis, osteochondrosis, radiculitis, gout. The ointment is effective for traumatic lesions (dislocations, sprains, bruises). The effects of exposure appear within 15 minutes.

Contraindications: individual intolerance to the drug causes an allergic reaction.

  • Low cost;
  • The speed of action.
  • Not a very pleasant smell.

Voltaren emulgel

A fast-acting preparation for complex retortion. The active ingredient diclofenac provides anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and regenerating effects.

Contraindications: individual intolerance.

Voltaren emulgel


  • Small expense for a single use;
  • Nice smell;
  • Leaves no residue.
  • The reaction of the body with increased sensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • Price.


Pain reliever. Active substance: common viper venom. The component provides almost instant action. It is used for joints, but the drug is especially effective in treating injuries. Camphor and turpentine, which are part of the composition, give the drug antiseptic properties. The best pain relieving ointment among external agents.

Contraindications: not found.

  • Allows you to quickly get rid of pain.
  • Highly sensitive skin irritation.

TOP 3 best injections for the knee joint

Joint diseases have various causes, one of them is age-related changes. The best means of getting rid of pathologies are injections. These drugs are prescribed when the rest have exhausted their exposure resource. Injections are intra-articular, muscle, or intravenous. The method of treatment is not the most comfortable, but effective, the course of treatment is from 1 to 3 injections.

Indications for use

  • Inflammation of the joint capsule;
  • Arthritis;
  • The defeat of the joints of the hand with tunnel syndrome;
  • Joint damage resulting from trauma;
  • Sharp pains that do not respond to ointments, vitamins and pills. They occur with wear and tear of the joints caused by a lack of vitamins and trace elements, or excessive physical exertion, leading to the destruction of the shock-absorbing cartilage.
Drug name Therapeutic effect
Don Promotes the regeneration of cartilage tissue
Flosterone Antitoxic effects
Hydrocartizone Suppresses the dynamics of the advancement of leukocytes to the affected area


The active substance glucosamine is one of the components of the cartilage tissue of the joint. Stimulates the synthesis of neurotransmitters and nutrients needed to repair damaged tissues. Normalizes the process of calcium deposition in bone tissue. Recommended for the treatment of osteoarthritis  knee and hip joints, patellar chondromalacia.

Contraindications: sensitivity to lidocaine and glucosamine, liver and kidney disease, acute heart failure.

Don's injections
  • The drug is the least painful to use, injections are given intramuscularly;
  • It not only relieves pain, but also stimulates the restoration of cartilage tissue.
  • The presence of contraindications.


A complex preparation of antiallergic, antirheumatic and anti-inflammatory action. Specialization - Inflammatory Processes in Periarticular Tissues

Contraindications: glaucoma, thrombophlebitis, tuberculosis, osteoporosis.



  • High efficiency and duration of exposure.
  • The drug is hormonal, used in exceptional cases.


A potent intracellular hormonal drug that affects the synthesis of proteins and enzymes. Application effects: anti-inflammatory, anti-toxic, anti-shock, anti-allergic. It is indicated for rheumatoid arthritis.

Contraindications: tuberculosis, diabetes mellitus, systemic fungal diseases.

Hydrocortisone suspension for injection
  • High efficiency;
  • Made from natural analogs of the hormone cortisol.
  • A large number of contraindications.

The drugs listed in the article have in practice confirmed their unconditional effectiveness. But each organism has its own characteristics, and any drug has its own contraindications. Before purchasing and using medicines, it is necessary to consult an appropriate medical specialist; mistakes in choosing can aggravate the situation.


